ACGIH Publishes Reduced Guideline for Manganese Exposure

acgihManganese exposure occurs when manganese is heated and reacts with oxygen and creates manganese oxide fume. Exposure to this fume can lead to central nervous system damage. This is of special concern for metal fabricators as manganese is present in various welding rods and filler metals. Prolonged or excessive inhalation or ingestion of manganese has the potential to lead to a condition called manganism. Manganism can lead to weakness, lethargy, paralysis, tremors, and speech and psychological issues.


Last year the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) published a new threshold limit value (TLV) for manganese of 0.02 mg/m3. This was updated from the previous ACGIH TLV of 0.2 mg/m3. Although the ACGIH limit has been updated, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has not changed the permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 5 mg/m3. The OSHA limit is federally enforceable unless a state plan has a stricter limit.


In order to comply with the updated guidelines, companies may need to conduct air sampling to verify employee exposure. Based on the air sampling results, companies can determine if additional personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilation, work practices, or a combination of these are required to reduce employee exposure.


Please contact Bay Environmental Strategies, Inc. at 800 576-2476 for additional assistance and information.

Safety Is No Accident

imagesEveryone has heard the term “Safety Is No Accident”. And if your company has ever had an “Accident” or injury, the question is, where was “Safety”? Some companies have a safety program while other companies rely on their good luck. However, when an accident happens, it costs everyone a lot of money and time and challenges the company’s safety program.


By definition, an “Accident” is an unplanned event and “Safety” is the process of protecting against accidents. Thus, if you plan for safety, the goal is to prevent the unplanned accidents. Accidents can still happen, however, only through a good safety program can your company hope to prevent unplanned accidents from happening.


This is where Bay Environmental Strategies, Inc. comes in. We are an environmental, health & safety consulting firm that dedicates its knowledge and experience in developing and managing safety programs for all types of businesses. Our safety professionals will conduct a hazard assessment in your company and then tailor a safety program to meet your specific regulatory compliance needs. Whether it’s the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), the Mine Health and Safety Administration (MHSA) or the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) regulations, we can assist your company in the development, implementation and management of your overall safety program. We can help you manage your current safety program or assist your company in the development of a new safety program.


Every company needs a safety program. Whether you’re an office environment, manufacturing, service or transportation company, you need to have a safety program to identify the hazards within the organization and then have policies and procedures in place to control and manage these hazards. Most regulatory agencies require company’s to have policies, procedures and programs in place to protect the safety of their employee’s and workers. If you do not have a safety program, you are merely gambling with accidents and injuries. And it’s only a matter of time before your employee’s, insurance company, regulatory agencies, or your customers demand that you implement a safety program.


Why wait for the worst to happen. Give Bay Environmental Strategies, Inc. a call and see how we can help your company implement or manage a safety program in a very cost effective manner. Some of our services include:


  • Hazard Assessments
  • Job Site Safety Inspections
  • Written Health & Safety Manuals
  • Written Policies, Procedures and Programs
  • Facility Audits and Inspections
  • Training Programs
  • Safety Meetings
  • DOT, OSHA or WDNR Representation
  • Accident & Injury Investigation
  • Safety Committee Representation


To receive a “Free” hazard evaluation and proposal, please contact Gene Olesen or Rachel Vincent at Bay Environmental Strategies, Inc. at 920-347-2234 or email at or


OSHA Starts Focusing on Staffing Companies and Temporary Worker Safety

1This past June, OSHA cited a vegetable processor in Texas and their staffing company over $135,000 because they exposed temporary workers to highly dangerous noise exposures, toxic chemicals, and a few other safety hazards. OSHA also fined California Cereal Products over $40,000 because the company exposed both temporary and full-time employees to fall, electrical, and noise hazards. There is an increasing trend in that OSHA is focusing on temporary worker safety. These are only two of the five recent companies that were cited by OSHA. Four of the five were staffing companies that had several safety violations that ended up with a temporary worker fatality at Amazon.

OSHA is noticing that temporary workers are increasing in the workplace, and workplace injuries are increasing as a result because they are not adequately trained on the job at hand. The temporary workers are often thrown into positions where they have little to know experience when compared to full-time employees. Staffing agencies and employers who hire temporary workers are now the target of OSHA’s temporary worker safety initiative. According to a BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics report), sixteen percent of workplace fatalities in 2012 involved temporary workers and contractors.

Staffing agencies and employers need to take a look at their safety and health training programs for temporary and contract workers so they can reduce workplace injuries. Bay Environmental Strategies is a safety consulting firm that can assess your company’s safety training program and tailor training to temporary workers so they are knowledgeable about safety hazards before they start their first day of work.


7 Tips to Help You Stay Safe at Work


When you are at work, you are told to work safe. No matter what task you are assigned in your position, it’s important for you to know a few tips to help keep you and others safe.

Learn and Understand Workplace Risks.

In your position, you need to know what the risks and hazards are in the workplace. Once you understand the risks, you can determine what steps you need to take to reduce the risk of a work-related accident.

Lower Stress Levels in the Workplace.

Stress happens in both life and in the workplace. You need to be aware of your stress level at work and figure out ways to reduce it. A few examples of workplace stress include conflicts with coworkers, long shifts, and a heavy workload. Stress can affect you in the following ways: sleeping difficulties, concentration problems, and even depression.

Take Breaks Regularly.

If you are feeling tired on the job, make sure you schedule in a few short breaks so you don’t put yourself and others at risk when working in high hazard areas.

Avoid Twisting and Stooping.

Stooping and twisting can lead to undue strain on your body over time. To prevent injuries and muscle strains, you should consider using ergonomic-designed equipment and furniture in your workplace.

Work Smarter, Not Harder.

To prevent injuries, such as sprains and strains, you should use mechanical aids to make your life easier. You could use a hoist, crane, forklift, or even a wheelbarrow to help you lift heavy objects easier.

Lift With Your Legs, Not Your Back.

When lifting heavy loads, you need to lift the object with your legs, not your back.

Wear the Proper PPE.

Depending on the task at hand, you need to consider the correct PPE, like earplugs, glasses, steel-toe shoes, or earmuffs to reduce the chance of injury.