Bay Environmental Strategies

Welcome and thank you for taking a time to view our website. At Bay Environmental Strategies (BAY) we offer full service environmental, health and safety consulting (EHS) that is specifically tailored to your company’s specific needs. We have a team of highly experienced professionals including Certified Hazardous Material Managers, Professional Geologists and Soil Scientists, Environmental Scientists, and Assured Wetland Delineators. With well over 100 years of combined experience BAY can provide leadership over any project that requires EHS supports.

BAY staff provides project support and leadership to manufacturing, mining and real estate development. Our ability to service manufacturing and mining includes: air, wastewater, storm water, EPCRA, hazardous waste, and health and safety to name a few. We will provide your company comprehensive support through our environmental and health & safety management programs.

BAY offers Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Wetland Delineations and Restorations, investigations and remediations, and asbestos testing and inspections for your real estate development project. We understand that proper due diligence is necessary for protection of your property and assets. We will identify potential environmental risks and plan strategies to minimize both risk and associated costs.Please take some time to look more closely at our website of all the services that we offer. We look forward to working with you on your project and thank you for considering working with BAY. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly at 920 347-2234 or at