Perform Your Due Diligence To Protect Your Investment Or Company

ESA PICPerform your due diligence to protect your investment or company from acquiring properties with environmental liabilities. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment will significantly reduce potential environmental liabilities when employing the ASTM E 1527-13, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process and an experienced environmental professional.

Many historic industrial and corner gas stations have been redeveloped and present very little visual evidence of their past use. Groundwater and soil contamination may be present just below the freshly cut green grass and new coat of paint. It is a lot more cost effective to understand the environmental liabilities associated with a contaminated property prior to purchase than finding this out after closing.

Feel free to talk with one of Bay Environmental Strategies, Inc., experienced professionals if you have any questions at 800 576-2476 ( or for more information look us up at